Ron Thompson, Managing Partner
​Ron Thompson, the owner and Principal Consultant of Thompson Consulting and Analytics, LLC (TCA), has over 20 years of experience in disparity research and economic impact analysis. Mr. Thompson established TCA in 2018. TCA is an economic consulting firm which offers economic impact analysis, disparity research, econometric forecasting, and other economic consulting services. Mr. Thompson has conducted disparity research for the National Urban League and Philadelphia Urban League. He has also conducted economic impact analysis for Liberty Property Trust, NYC Partnership, and Enterprise Florida. Ron’s education includes a bachelor’s in economics, a master’s in economics, and the completion of all Ph.D. coursework and 3 of 4 Ph.D. comprehensive exams.​
Vernetta Mitchell, Managing Partner
​Mitchell Consulting Group is owned by Ms. Vernetta Mitchell. Vernetta has worked with supplier diversity, equity, and business inclusion programs within local government, construction industry, and private sector for over 20 years. Her supplier diversity experience includes managing a supplier diversity program for a local municipality and for large construction firms. Vernetta has extensive knowledge in the methodologies and legal framework of minority and women business disparity studies where she has performed qualitative and quantitative research for over three dozen disparity studies. Her disparity study clients included local, state, and federal agencies across the country. She has in-depth knowledge of procurement processes, to include, but not limited to construction management at risk, qualification-based solicitation, e.g. request for qualifications (RFQ), request for proposals (RFP).